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Single And Hating It…
Destined And Not Denied

by Denise Chand and Jennifer John

Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied is a self-help fictional book inspired by authentic experiences yet described in animation with a tinge of humour to bring laughter to the human spirit. The main characters Liya and Zenia are two sassy, born-again, spirit-filled Christians, who have gone through much of life’s challenges.

Hailing from different backgrounds, ethnicity, and culture, Liya and Zenia met having only two things in common: faith and being single and hating it. The pursuit of their purpose and longing for their Godmates, have led them on a path filled with humour and uncertainty. The commonalities that once drew them together forging their sisterhood and strong friendship also became a sharp wedge between them. Challenges to their faith and seemingly unshakable friendship gave rise to inner battles for them both as they experienced heartache, loss and much more.

Many can relate to and even see themselves in the characters. Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied will move readers to introspect areas of their lives, including their relationships. It breathes hope, sheds light in the darkness, quiets raging heart-storms and strengthens one’s faith regardless of its Christian content.

Toni Morrison said: “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied needed to be written! It may very well be taboo for many Christians and churches. But it brings comfort and encouragement of not being alone in our inner battles to the many Christians out there—simply put, of being human.

Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied shares insights into the different relationship dynamics we ourselves have experienced. In reality, life is about relationships and sometimes relationships can be challenging; something we can all relate to. Single and Hating It…Destined And Not Denied speaks to how we connect and interact with others and how those relationships impact and define who we are.

Some of us may have at one time or another, wondered whether God really cares about the minute details of our lives or the desires of our heart. We’ve wondered whether love is at all possible at any age, especially after the many disappointments, counterfeits and setbacks along our love journey. For those grieving, we’ve questioned how we can make sense of losing someone we love and yet find the courage to keep moving forward with life. We may struggle with how to forgive someone who has hurt us and let go of the pain to heal our own mind, heart and soul. What do you do when it seems like your season of singleness has lasted an eternity with no end in sight?

The desire for love and happiness, the experiences of relationships, heartbreak, grief, hurt, pain, friendships, disappointments and setbacks are common to us all, irrespective of who we are or what we believe, be it Christian or not. So, if you have ever experienced these things, Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied is for you. If you are in your 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, single and hating it, then Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied is for you. We endeavour to inspire, motivate and empower you to hope in greater possibilities for yourself, as you read Single and Hating It…Destined and Not Denied.

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